Brandon Bell's Personal Server

About Me

Hello! This server is being hosted on Debian 12 on a server in my home. This site will serve to showcase my coding, devops, and other projects, as well as host any utilities and tools I use on a daily basis!


This will be a section to discuss and link to coding and devops projects I'm working on or have completed!

Project Ideas:

  1. Book Database
  2. Wish List Database

Courses & Books


In Progress:

To Do:


Completed Tasks:

  1. Install Ubuntu 24.04
  2. Install and start hosting Apache server.
  3. Install Docker
  4. Create a RAID1 partition with two 300GB SSD drives.
  5. Create directory for files to be hosted on the RAID volume.

Coming Tasks:

  1. Generate SSH Keys and add to work pc, personal pc, and phone
  2. Create a docker container to host a wiki page.
  3. Create a docker container for some kind of task tracking system
  4. Host the files on the raid partition